SewAid Atelier de Goma
Galerie KA-FA PLAZZA, en face de l’hôpital provincial du Goma/Nord Kivu.
Avenue Kinshasa n°133,
Mabanga sud,
Commune de Karisimbi,
Ville de Goma-Nord Kivu
RD Congo.
+243 990428340, 810429940

Bonvolo operates in the small city of Goma, which sits between the active Volcano Nyirango and the beautiful Lake Kivu.
Only the structures of border bureaucracy separate Goma from the Rwandan small city of Gisenyi.
Relations between D R Congo and neighbours Rwanda and Uganda have been difficult and often violent since the First Congo War in 1996.
The volcano and the various armed militia's create refugees who need support but do not receive it from their government.
Even primary schooling is very rarely available for free.
This is why they need our help.